Theology of Sox
You Make Me a Bettah Sawx Fan
Monday, October 31, 2005
Not So Similar
Note: I'm about to discuss something which I am forced to take a stance upon that some would say makes me come off as unappreciative and not happy for the Chicago White Sox. This is not the case. I am impressed with what the White Sox did to some extent, and am thouroughly happy for them. They were the best team this year in baseball (which is part of the problem). So once again, Congratulations.
This seems like de ja vu. But somethings not right. This isn't the same.
It was harder. I swear. It meant more. It really did. This just isn't the same. While it is a tremendous feat for any team to win the World Series, the Chicago White Sox doing so this year just wasn't as impressive, important, meaningful, or groundbreaking as the Red Sox doing so the October past.
Perhaps my Red Sox bias is showing through here. But I am very serious in many ways.
This year the Chicago White Sox had a spectacular story. They started off in first place. Midway through the season they were in first place. And, Yes, at the end of the year they were in... first place. They had starting pitching in Contreras, Garland, and Burhle. Relief in Hermansen and Jenks. Speed in Podsednik and power in Konerko. Sure they did have the brief "struggle" with the Cleveland Indians for a month before firmly grasping the stranglehold on the AL central.
And with their World Series Victory the White Sox overcame an 88 year history of nothing. Yes, I do mean nothing. They had no fiasco, no real suffering besides that of mediocrity.

On October, 27th 2004, the Red Sox overcame much more than 86 years. The Red Sox, unlike the White Sox, held a rich history of great torment. That is, when they won, they overcame The Curse of the Babe, they overcame Dent, Buckner, and Boone. A year previous fans were wallowing in the spectacular fiasco that was the 2003 ALCS.
In 2004 the Red Sox got off to a hot start (15-6) before falling apart. Actually, "falling apart" is a gentle way to put it. They were a trainwreck. They traded the Icon the Nomar for two no-namers. They were 10.5 games back in AUGUST for crying out loud. It was absurd, but something happened. It all clicked. Funny hair, idiots, tessie, it all just came together. The lovable bunch of idiots trounced into the playoffs where they faced the greatest test: The New York Yankees. And they failed and failed and failed, before they turned the cards on the Yankees and history for the first time ever to win 8 games in a row taking the Yankees down and the Cardinals in a clean sweep in the World Series. For the first time in 86 years the Red Sox were champions.
While it was great the White Sox won overcoming an 88 year drought, it just wasn't as big. They didn't have handcuffs on besides handcuffs of 88 years of mediocrity.
I'm not saying that this victory ins't big for the White Sox, because it is big

Swing and a ground ball, stabbed by Foulke. He has it. He underhands to first. And the Boston Red Sox are the World Champions. For the first time in 86 years, the Red Sox have won baseball's World Championship. Can you believe it? – Joe Castiglione
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Congratulations to the White Sox

It seems this is something no one but White Sox fans, Cubs fans, Astros fans, and die hard baseball fans care about. Game 1 World Series stats showed that the number of viewers was down 31% from last year making for the second lowest rated Game 1 in history. Absolutely pathetic if you ask me. The world should care, and if you are a fan of any team I hope you watched at least one of the games.
Last year I felt as if the whole world cared, like the whole world was celebrating. Maybe I’m wrong and it just felt like that due to my ecstasy. Perhaps Chi-Sox fans don’t even notice this due to their elation, which I hope is indeed the case.
Winning the World Series is absolutely beautiful. So White Sox fans please lap up the glory. Live in it. Bathe in it. Shine in it. Enjoy every single moment. Love every single moment. Remember every single moment. Your day has come and it is absolutely beautiful.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Strike that, Reverse it

This whole season, the instant replay cloud followed us. It was a question that gently teased us like a branch in the wind tapping against the window. However, with recent events, it has gone from that cloud to a hurricane, from the tapping to a loud thump disturbing even the deepest sleeper such as myself.
Walking in and out of my room between classes, a quick glance at the TV tells me more than I need to know; ESPN is STILL going on about it. The issue has been moved from the bottom line, so to speak, to the top issue on the desk of Peter Gammons. Thus I am forced to do the inevitable, and discuss the issue.
Here it is, I know you've been waiting:
Should there be instant replay?
Absolutely not. It would slow down the game, cause fans to lose interest, and take the human element out of the game thus attacking the histoy of America's Pasttime. As a purist, I can not stand to see the game turn into PlayStation 2's MVP 2005. Its not a baseball video game, its real life. So what if the Ump made a bad call? Its part of the game. And its part of life.
Groan and gripe all you want. As of now it wont matter. Besides, chances are your team had an

I understand most people in favor of instant replay wish for it only in some situations such as safe or out, fair or foul, home run or in the park? This still turns the human element into a camera. Besides, if officials are really that blind, perhaps we should contract out Empire Vision for some glasses. Players should know to check before rolling the ball back to the mound.
Growing up playing basketball, my father used to tell me, "It is not a foul unless the Ref calls it." And that's my attitude about baseball officiating. Brutal, I know, but it's true. In basketball you aren't going to go to the line unless the ref blows the wistle, so play it safe and make the shot just in case.
To replay or not to replay that is the question... or at least the question ESPN wont stop debating these days. As always, you are entitled to your own opinion, but for me the answer is quite clear if you appreciate the game in its essence.
Monday, October 24, 2005
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Okay, Its officially the WORLD SERIES. The most wonderful time of the year for baseball fans, unless of course you're last years champion giving up your title or the Royals, who never will understand the concept of a title.
So, assuming you're not an Astros or White Sox fan who should you root for?
Two modes of thought (and the bonus option of course):
1. Root for the Astros
They can beat the team that humiliated us. They have a citgo sign. They have ex-Yankees (hahahahaha where would the

2. Root for the White Sox

3. Root for a good series because 1 & 2 both have valid points.
That is, a little Baseball post-modernism if you will.

I'm torn here. I really want it to be a good series.
At first I was pulling for the Astros because they've never won it. But as I've been watching, it is hard not to pull for the White Sox. The 92 year old people crying, the excitement, the character, the heart. It is beautiful. And heck, if they win, maybe Buck Weaver (or at least his memory) will be reconciled.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Rollercoaster Brothers
Down 2-1 the Astros took a 4-2 lead on a Berkman homer. They handed the lead to Brad Lidge, who only blew one save the entire year. Know what happened? Yup, he blew it. Eckstein started a TWO OUT RALLY, and with 2 men on, Albert Pujols went yard. It was one of those things you kind of just have to laugh at; like here's the championship on a silver platter, whoop there it goes, it could be, it is OUT THE WINDOW AND SHATTERED ON THE GROUND!!!!
After such a defeating blow, I think the Astros chances are about as good as mine are on Wednesday's Organic Chemistry test. Sure they have Oswalt and Clemens. But the Cardinals have something better: momentum.

Don't count the Astros out of it yet though. They do have a few things working for them: The Killer B's, Oswalt, Clemens, and of course, The Citgo Sign.
Yes, I did say that right. The Citgo Sign. It appears Boston is not the only team with a little gasoline aid in left field. Not to mention the wall. Though, not green, and not monsterish in size. The Astros do have a wall! Most importantly though, THEY HAVE A CITGO SIGN!

Thursday, October 13, 2005
A Major League Difference

It is more than watching your favorite AL pitcher take an at-bat (Wakefield against the Cubs anyone?).
It is more than the entertainment of Big Papi playing first base.
Sure all of that makes it interesting, and when we think of interleague play that’s what comes up. It’s more than that though. It’s a time for unity, revenge, and a time for guys like Jeter to go to a new city to find new women.
It’s exposure to a “different style” of baseball. Why do I say this now? Well for one, debates still continue and for two, we’ll see the ultimate interleague series in a few days.
Many AL fans dislike the NL style of play, and many NL fans feel the same about the AL.
An AL fan? What is that? Someone who likes an AL team as their favorite? I would argue not necessarily. What about someone who likes big flashy ball? I cannot argue that either because many AL teams like the Angels do not fall into that camp. So what is an AL fan then?
An AL fan supports the DH. That’s as far as I can really go. That’s the defining feature, if you will. Correlation features (not necessary to be a member of the AL club) include big game attitude or a support of big power. The fireworks display fans if you will. AL fans often favor high scoring games and blow-outs. When examining the AL, one notes that even the worst teams have power, and that its defense and pitching that makes a difference in who is the powerhouse.
The NL, on the other hand, supports the pitcher hitting. Correlationally they like stealing, sac flies, bunting, defense. NL fans like that small-ball grind. What makes a NL team stand out then? The answer is simple – power.
Ironic, in the league stressing power it’s the teams with defense and pitching that succeed (Angels and White Sox anyone?) and in the league where small-ball philosophy is the way to go, it’s the teams with power that are the most successful (Cards with Pujols, Edmonds…Astros with Berkrman, Biggio, Ensberg).
It’s funny because there is this push towards middle ground. Almost as if the DH/P issue was resolved the leagues wouldn’t matter. I myself, though a AL-Red Sox fan, have grown a deep appreciation and love for NL baseball and would consider myself a NL fan. Most likely this is due to my purist attitude about the game. While I do love David Ortiz Smash ball, I don’t see how that comes close to the fact that Marquis has practically a better average than Kevin Millar given he played 1/5th of the time.

In general I appreciate small ball even within the AL. Just ask those who watched the ALDS with me. I fell in love with the ChiSox’s squeeze bunt in the 9th (which I’d like to point out I suggested…and called). The timing. The turn. The run. The patience. The intelligence. That’s what I dig. Its that patience and intelligence that blows me away.
The beauty of baseball lies not in homers and strikeouts, but in perfectly placed bunts and a sinker put in just the right spot to get that much needed double-play.
It lies in the dirt on Eckstein’s uniform, the range of Cabby and his glove, and in the assists of Manny.
Don’t get me wrong, I love a good long-ball from time to time as much as the next person. There is something magical as say oh games 4 and 5 of the 2004 ALCS and what Ortiz did. What he did was more magical than Harry Potter, more precious than Will is to his mother, more beautiful than a sunset in Washington, more tear-jerking than Titanic, more electric than a toaster, more special than a birth of a child. Seriously, it was special. But then again a particular ground ball was special too…

Swing and a ground ball, stabbed by Foulke. He has it. He underhands to first. And the Boston Red Sox are the World Champions. For the first time in 86 years, the Red Sox have won baseball's World Championship. Can you believe it? – Joe Castiglione
AL ball? NL ball? Does it matter? You can’t really have a World Series without both. Baseball without the NL and the AL is like a child without a sperm and egg. It just doesn’t work. The DH/P controversy should not separate us, but unite us. For we really are united in baseball.
The beauty of baseball is the uniting, the love. Baseball’s beauty is in the fact that man’s struggle is overcome together on the diamond, in the stands, and with each other. Baseball is unity. Baseball is love.
So AL ball? NL ball? Does it matter? Appreciate both. Love both. We need both. We are united in the game. We are here because of both.

We are united in this game.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Nuttin' But Love For The Angels From Above

Another weird phenomenon has occurred. On Saturday all Boston hats disappeared, yet today came the resurgence of Sox fans who apparently now feel comfortable enough in a Yankee loss to resume supporting their team despite the lack of performance this post-season.
Speaking of lack of performance, how about MVP candidate A-Rod and his .133 Batting average and no RBI's in the ALDS. A little "Mr. May" if you will. In fact, A-Rod is so clutch for, so Most Valuable to the Yankees that as the TYING RUN, he even found a way to ground into a Double Play in the 9th inning. Following A-Rod's stellar performance, both Juicy Giambi and Gary Sheffaroid got on base. A-Rod's clutch performance cost the Yankees the game and the series. Now that's more beautiful than a field of Magenta Paintbrush, more precious than the ring, more ironic than Alanis Morisette, more ... you get the idea. Way to go A-Rod, you might get voted for Angels MVP for that.

Speaking of the Angels MVP, how about BMo hitting .444 ( 8-18) with 3 Homers and 5 RBIs. There really is some sweetness in wearing an Angels hat today. Though I have only missed 20 games in 5 years (note: I count games I've seen on tape after the fact as not missed) I've been accused of being a Bandwagoner, a Pot-Stirrer, a Yankee hater, and other interesting and humorous reactions.
Truth is I lasted half the day in my Angels hat before switching back to good ol' Basketweave-Boston, which also gets some cracks. "The year's over." The season is, yes, but not the year, idiots.
By the end of the month I reckon you'll hear a lot more about the Sox than you'd think.
5 (and 1) Things I Guarentee You'll Hear About (I stress HEAR, not will be RESOLVED)
- Resigning Johnny Damon - Which mind you is selfish, stupid, and will cause harm if the contract is more than 2 to 3 years.
- Theo Epstein Leaving/Staying - Theo wont leave unless the Sox want him to go. Period.
- Trading for Pitching - It isn't much of a secret that quality of the FA market of pitchers this year is uncertain. When it comes to reliability as most of the pitchers are as guessable as Wakefield or Clement (Millwood, Washburn, Weaver, Schmidt, Rogers...). there are rumors of trading Wells, Arroyo, Clement... everyone....
- First Baseman Search - They will look at Konerko, Erstad, and Sweeney... but just watch them come back with Millar if Francona pulls strings...
- Manny - Yup, do I even have to tell you why? I hope not. He's been here for how many years and every off-season the story is the same...
- (yes one extra for good measure) PAPI, the Most Valuable - he better be. I mean look at where the Sox would be without him. Certainly they would not have even made the playoffs and would have been 15 games back. What about A-Rod you say? Well where would the Yankees be without him? Probably the ALCS.
Best of Luck to the Sox to sort all of that out. If you have any questions or need advice please feel free to contact me from 8 AM to 8 PM. Or email me 24 hours a day.
Best of Luck also to the Angels. Many of us will be rooting for you.
"It doesn't matter who we play or where we play, we're going to play our style of baseball," Darin Erstad, with Mike Scioscia, said of the White Sox.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Not So Sweet, Sweet Sorrows

I have to be honest, my heart kind of went out to the White Sox when they won. Not expecting for the Red Sox to win, I had a new perspective on what it all meant for Chicago fans. And I'd have support no matter what happened, I truely was smiling as they layed the squeeze bunt down.
This game is so beautiful, and I still wear my Sox hat as proud today as I did just a year ago.
I find it hard not to evaluate what the Sox should do this off season. But that takes away from where the game is right now: on its way to crowning a new champion, and unfortunately it will not be the Boston Red Sox.

We're all fighting with how to deal with this and what do do with the extra 3 hours a day we now have. Homework??? Right.
It does hurt that it wont be us this year, but in some ways its not so bad I guess. As I said previously, baseball is about more than winning the World Series.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Timmy Goes Today

"Boston will send its longest-tenured player to the mound in Friday's must-win Game 3, and Tim Wakefield may well be the best man for the job. The knuckleballer led the Sox in wins, starts, K's and opponents' average among the starters this year." -
The man is a stinkin' Bahstahn gawd what do you expect!!!
Common boys we're behind you... heck half of Boston is skipping out of work early to see this game at Fenway or on TV ... give us some hope!!!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Just Maybe

Sure we came back on Oakland in 2003 and of course the Yankees in 2004. But how many times can you honestly do that?
Besides, losing is a part of winning.
Its possible. But I'm not sure if this is THE year. Yet, still, right now they are seem as the team to beat, even though they really aren't. The craziness lies in that people really do seem to treat the Sox like many treat the Yankees.
I, myself, am often criticized for my "anti-Yankeeism. But people don't see the whole picture. Ask Ruth, Maggie, Dora, Colleen, or any other Yankee fan I've had an intelligent conversation with. I like anyone enjoy looking back on the good old days with Joe D, Maris, Mantle, ect. 50 years ago things were so different. I've studied NYY - Bos history. I've read the books. I've seen the games. I know it "goes back to 1903" with the come-backer and Winters... but I'm sorry, the current rivalry is so very different. How can you look back 40 years ago at baseball and not have a glimmer in your eye?
To be honest, I hate the arrogance, cockiness, and attitude currently around in the Bigs that the teams like the Yankees seem to personify. I am not saying every Yank is like this, or that some Sox aren't... I'm not making team distinctions. I am talking to you about the game because hate to tell you (especially you MFY's) baseball is so much more than striving for a World Series.

Baseball is so much more. It is love. It is life. Certain players and certain fans taint the game.
Baseball is about Fenway in April, July, and December and the power it has over you.
...This is my most special place in all the world, . Once a place touches you like this, the wind never blows so cold again. You feel for it, like it was your child...
Baseball is in its purest nothing short of beautiful. Its the sounds, the smells...
...Did you ever hold a ball or a glove to your face?...
Baseball can make us great.
It has been said that there's always next year...
and the year after, and after and after... This attitude became that of Sox fans for 86 years. But then last year we became unsure of what to say. Truth is, we should have said, hey there's always next year. Because that is the beauty of baseball; the next year. The next game. The next out. The next run. The next swing. The next pitch. Baseball is an eternal promise. Baseball is an eternal struggle. Baseball can make us great.
Baseball can be a reality in a pure sense. Scary to some. Obsessive to others. But honestly, if you think about it, its not. I am not taking this too far. Baseball in its purest is beauty, love, passion, and life. If baseball was everyone's constructed reality what a world it would be.

Baseball is Beautiful.
Baseball is Love.
Baseball is Passion.
Baseball is Life.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Ongoing Rants
After my exhausting Theology test I flustered into breakfast only to overhear a discsussion about my favorite topic in the world: Relationships.
Perhaps its my bitterness that December is still 2 months away, but hearing about cuddling during a movie you didn't want to watch just doesn't do it for me at 9:15 AM.
"it was sooo cute just like Luke and Loreli watching a movie"
"you're shitting me right? you did not just compare your relationship to Gilmore Girls!!!!"
"yes I di---"
"--that's straight up pathetic"
"Not as pathetic as your obsession with the Red Sox"
"Oh common I'm not obsessed...... besides they are at least REAL PEOPLE"
It wasnt long after that hot rage I entered chapel only to be surrrounded by a multitude of Sox and Yankees "fans" I felt like throwing up. I've never seen so many hats worn.
Lovely, support your team for making the playoffs again, I groaned.The sight of it made me sick so my rage continued... and in continued mockery of alcohol week, hispanic heritage month, and lord knows what else Messiah has planned I insisted on announcing to all those in earshot that it was officially Bandwagon Fan Day here at Messiah College.
Sneering at me Gilmore Relationship Girl said "Did you ever think that perhaps it isnt thought through when someone puts on a hat in the morning"
I still don't understand exactly what she means... because

"Wearing a hat is the biggest decision you make in the morning. Wearing your hat is exposing your freaking soul to the world. Your soul shouldn't change with the wind and neither should your hat"
I mean okay guys its nice you want to support your team and all but why the heck werent you wearing a hat 4 months ago? Why now when they made the post season? And finally why not today after they lost 14-2 last night?
Now I will give credit... the 2 real sox fans who always got their crap going still have their stuff on. I need to meet them.
Anyway. My furies are neverending right now.
Speaking with my Mom the other night she told me of how when I was younger I would tip the checkers board over if I was losing. How I fought the schol when I was unfairly shut out of a stupid award due to biases and lies told by a teacher.I laughed looking back on all this because its true.
As my Mom always says about me:
More than I love winning I hate losing, and more than I hate losing I hate unfairness and unequality.
I hate it. I really do. Why? Because its absolute crap. Straight up CRAP. I don't even know what isn't crap anymore actually, well besides the fact that I love the Sox.
I guess what I'm getting at through all this jumble is wear your Sox hat, wear your MFY crap. I don't care. Insult me. Hate me. Find me arrogant, confident, true, or a bullshitter, I don't care.
I am comfortable. I am proud. I do hate. But I also Love - well the Sox at least. But above all that, just like Arroyo, the only nickname I want is 2005 World Series Champs.
Attack me for my love. Come up with bullshit quotes to show you're right. Go for it. Seriously, Go for it. But don't sit there wondering what I'm going to say because its going to be the same day in and day out.
I LOVE THE SOX and this year is crap. I'm sick of gloating yankees fans... and the crap they throw at me....I guess we sox fans should take care in the fact that for the yankees it was...
"Not their best season. Not their smoothest. And certainly not the biggest title for a franchise that has 26 World Series championships in its illustrious past. Yet somewhere in the spray of champagne in the visitors' clubhouse at Fenway Park on Saturday was the satisfaction that these Yankees came farther to win this AL East championship than any New York team since Bucky Dent popped one into the net here in 1978."-Jimmy Golen (convienently passed along to me by an MFY - thanks for making yourself look more intelligent than you already did...and thanks for helping me prove my point once again)

Whine about that all you want you MFYs... and as I said attack me for my passion and my love. Come up with bullshit quotes to show you're right. Go for it. Seriously, Go for it. But don't sit there wondering what I'm going to say because its going to be the same day in and day out. I LOVE THE SOX.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Biggest series of the year? You wouldn't have known
Fenway fans a disappointment? Never!
Well they were on Saturday October 1, 2005. I’ve never been to a ballgame where more people were sitting and talking with their neighbor about their new cah rather than the fact coma isn’t warming anyone up and that Olerud should be in the game.

There would have been more support for the Sox if the game was held in NY. I’m sick of people caring about a match up. The Sox-Yanks series should be just as important as a Sox-Royals series. Why? Because it is baseball and every team should be treated equally. Unfortunately, apparently Bud Selig does not agree with me….
If anything the Sox-Yankees series should make you more excited, more rowdy, and more go get ‘em.
There were more people standing for the chapel speaker Thursday than for the sox. Absolutely terrible. It was like a giant gathering of bandwagon yuppies.
Perhaps there should be a test before you can get into Fenway to root on the Sox…
If you plan on going to a Sox game, I suggest you seriously ask yourself whether you are going for the right reasons.
I guess the thing is ANYONE and EVERYONE can care about the Yanks-Sox match up… but it takes a real fan to care about Sox-Royals.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Congrats To The First Place Wild Card Winners

Well, the sox are in the playoffs as the wild card for the 3rd year in a row after finishing with the same record as the Yankees by taking 2 of 3 this last weekend.
What? How does that work! Well you see, there’s a little rule that says if teams tie they determine who wins the division by who took the regular season series. Bullshit if you ask me. Why are the Yankees the division titleholders when they can beat the Sox but not the Devil Rays or Royals? They may have had fewer injuries at the time of match ups, or better pitchers able to go… The reason baseball is 162 games long is so that longevity matters. Basing a season on how a team does only against one particular other team is absurd.
Then again, I have heard time and time again all I care is about beating the Red Sox from Yankee fans. In which I respond, good we’ll let you beat us the 19 games and lose the other 143 games of the year. See how you feel then.
Baseball is beautiful because every series, every game, every at-bat, every pitch, every bounce the ball takes, every blade of grass matters (ask the groundskeeper if you disagree…).
This weekend we all saw what is beautiful in baseball disappear into the abyss as what matters changed to how you play against certain teams. If we are going to hold this standard then why aren’t the Blue Jays in the postseason since they held a winning record against the World Champions? Why aren’t the Devil Rays in the playoffs, after all they did beat the “best team ever” in the Yankees?
We all know that it’s absurd for the Devil Rays to be in the post season just because they beat the Yankees a lot. Why? Because it’s winning every day that matters. It’s in this that I am hurt. Not mad but hurt.
Why can’t there be a playoff game between the two teams? You can fight that it takes away a day of rest from the guys. I’ll argue there’s too much rest between the regular season and post season, which makes them two totally different ballgames as it is. Truth be told, baseball is selling out. Selling out to tradition and dynasty rather to the ability to overcome past barriers.
There are no ties… wait yes there are when Bud Selig is in charge… like the All-star game, this tie for first place is DISGUSTING. So congratulations to the first place Yankees who are tied with the Red Sox. Gee would I be proud for being tied yet in first…