Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Strike that, Reverse it

Instant replay has begun to be found in many sports to attempt in aiding the officiating. It can be found in sports as prominant as basketball and football, and now the debate rages over whether it has a place in baseball or not.

This whole season, the instant replay cloud followed us. It was a question that gently teased us like a branch in the wind tapping against the window. However, with recent events, it has gone from that cloud to a hurricane, from the tapping to a loud thump disturbing even the deepest sleeper such as myself.

Walking in and out of my room between classes, a quick glance at the TV tells me more than I need to know; ESPN is STILL going on about it. The issue has been moved from the bottom line, so to speak, to the top issue on the desk of Peter Gammons. Thus I am forced to do the inevitable, and discuss the issue.

Here it is, I know you've been waiting:

Should there be instant replay?

Absolutely not. It would slow down the game, cause fans to lose interest, and take the human element out of the game thus attacking the histoy of America's Pasttime. As a purist, I can not stand to see the game turn into PlayStation 2's MVP 2005. Its not a baseball video game, its real life. So what if the Ump made a bad call? Its part of the game. And its part of life.

Groan and gripe all you want. As of now it wont matter. Besides, chances are your team had an oppertunity to win the game, at least now with the Ump's call you have someone else to blame. Complain that its "not fair." You're right. Its not. But it is what it is. It is part of the game. It is one more element to overcome in the greatest game on earth.

I understand most people in favor of instant replay wish for it only in some situations such as safe or out, fair or foul, home run or in the park? This still turns the human element into a camera. Besides, if officials are really that blind, perhaps we should contract out Empire Vision for some glasses. Players should know to check before rolling the ball back to the mound.

Growing up playing basketball, my father used to tell me, "It is not a foul unless the Ref calls it." And that's my attitude about baseball officiating. Brutal, I know, but it's true. In basketball you aren't going to go to the line unless the ref blows the wistle, so play it safe and make the shot just in case.

To replay or not to replay that is the question... or at least the question ESPN wont stop debating these days. As always, you are entitled to your own opinion, but for me the answer is quite clear if you appreciate the game in its essence.


At 7:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what perfect eyebrows!

At 8:56 PM, Blogger Lowie said...

Downtown35 said...
I agree with you, Lowie, absolutely - and not just because of the eternal wait fans must endure whilst officials pore over the footage from every conceivable (and a few rather inconceivable) angles. Instant replay just doesn't fit baseball, like it does hockey or football. The game is played and officiated on a more human level to me and thus it is subject to human error - the players make a mistake, nobody I've heard of offering them a chance to make amends. I'm willing to risk losing a game, maybe even a season, to a bad call and I think most baseball fans accept this; of course, we have our World Series so it's a bit easier to risk it now. I have done some minor umpiring and I would much rather have relied on the training I received and the instincts that I developed as I progressed, rather than have a video replay show I was wrong and have to overturn my call. At the level major league umpires have reached, they should be able to get the calls right 99 times out of 100 and I think they do a great job. Most of the problem seems to be with strike zones and no video replay is going to change that, nor should it. Good point about the catcher rolling the ball back to the mound; if he'd have stayed with the play regardless of the signal he thought the ump made, it would have been a non-story.
(from http://bostongameday.blogspot.com)

At 8:24 AM, Blogger Lowie said...

sounds like you repeated everything i said stouty :)

At 9:57 AM, Blogger Lowie said...

Not only that Stouty but DT said, "Most of the problem seems to be with strike zones and no video replay is going to change that, nor should it."
He didn't say anything bad about kzone! Dork!
Kzone is great for fans... it is great for umps to learn... but we all know it cant actually be the ump... it misses sometimes.... we all know that as well.

And for the who will we blame ... I did say, "... at least now with the Ump's call you have someone else to blame."

Now you'll probably never post again because I'm giving you a hard time. Be a man and take it. *wink*

At 10:08 PM, Blogger Lowie said...

it wasnt so much sticking up for you as it was berading my favorite person in the world... lol jk... on the not sticking up for you part i mean!

i would like to point out... a 13 year old beat us all.... so we should all hang our hats in shame

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Lowie said...

Well I couldn't smell it... but it WAS only MAY... perhaps by now it does smell?!


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