Congrats To The First Place Wild Card Winners

Well, the sox are in the playoffs as the wild card for the 3rd year in a row after finishing with the same record as the Yankees by taking 2 of 3 this last weekend.
What? How does that work! Well you see, there’s a little rule that says if teams tie they determine who wins the division by who took the regular season series. Bullshit if you ask me. Why are the Yankees the division titleholders when they can beat the Sox but not the Devil Rays or Royals? They may have had fewer injuries at the time of match ups, or better pitchers able to go… The reason baseball is 162 games long is so that longevity matters. Basing a season on how a team does only against one particular other team is absurd.
Then again, I have heard time and time again all I care is about beating the Red Sox from Yankee fans. In which I respond, good we’ll let you beat us the 19 games and lose the other 143 games of the year. See how you feel then.
Baseball is beautiful because every series, every game, every at-bat, every pitch, every bounce the ball takes, every blade of grass matters (ask the groundskeeper if you disagree…).
This weekend we all saw what is beautiful in baseball disappear into the abyss as what matters changed to how you play against certain teams. If we are going to hold this standard then why aren’t the Blue Jays in the postseason since they held a winning record against the World Champions? Why aren’t the Devil Rays in the playoffs, after all they did beat the “best team ever” in the Yankees?
We all know that it’s absurd for the Devil Rays to be in the post season just because they beat the Yankees a lot. Why? Because it’s winning every day that matters. It’s in this that I am hurt. Not mad but hurt.
Why can’t there be a playoff game between the two teams? You can fight that it takes away a day of rest from the guys. I’ll argue there’s too much rest between the regular season and post season, which makes them two totally different ballgames as it is. Truth be told, baseball is selling out. Selling out to tradition and dynasty rather to the ability to overcome past barriers.
There are no ties… wait yes there are when Bud Selig is in charge… like the All-star game, this tie for first place is DISGUSTING. So congratulations to the first place Yankees who are tied with the Red Sox. Gee would I be proud for being tied yet in first…
awesome picture....
a little soxaholix love:
RedHamletSox: the day aint over till you piss off a few yankees fans with the truth eh?
soggykrewton: hah yeah, if i hear that its the "best one so far" or "its most important to beat the sox" or "be happy you made the playoffs" one more time i might just explode
RedHamletSox: just make sure you explode on their highly overpriced hats.....
i guess the truth will come out when they face the angels as who really does deserve to be around...
soggykrewton: yeah... maybe torree will break out in tears again
RedHamletSox: yeah for real i can see it now: *sniff* i just wanted this one *sniff* the others just didnt mean crap *sniff* its so hard to go down like this *sniff* WAAAAAAAWWAAAAAAAAA
soggykrewton: ill tell you... a few more puns and replace all the boston r's with h's and this crap is good enough for
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