The Lesser Of Two Evils
"I hate the Red Sox, but I hate the Yankees more"
"The Red Sox are bad but I'd rather the Yankees not win"
"The Red Sox are just the lesser of two evils"
Statements such as these have commonly reached my ears. Statements that make me cringe for the irony. Irony? Yes, Irony, for look at the numbers.

In the past 20 years the Sox have had 2 World Series apearances, 4 ALCS appearances, and have won the pennant once.
The Yankees on the contrary, have more World Series victories than we have appearances. They've won the pennant 8 times in a row. and have at least 6 ALCS appearances.
Heck the Toronto Blue Jays have had more pennants, World Series appearances, and World Series victories in the last 20 years than the Red Sox.
The Mets have made it to the NLCS just as much as the Sox, and have the same number of appearances and victories in 20 years.
Yeah I an really see how the Sox are the "lesser of two evils". Sure the past 2 years they've been good, 3 if you "include" this year - in which we may not even be playoff bound... seems a little nuts to me.
Were the Reds evil in 1990? Were the Jays evil in 1992?
Common now, the Red Sox are the furthest thing from evil - rather, they spend their existence battling against the Yankees - the dominating force in baseball. The Sox are the rebels. They are the ones continuously fighting... they should be the motivation for other teams. We want to work along side other teams to make Baseball the game it once was - full of paradox and love, not domination.
(thanks Tom for the shirt)
I'm pretty sure this season has shown no one dominates at this point.
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