Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Importance of Good Timing

Timing is one of those crucial things in our society. Don't believe me?
Go ask someone if they want steak after their pet cow dies.

Good timing prevents you from eating your words, from public ridicule, and from late inning losses.

As I sit here this morning in class and the Yankees fans snicker around me about speaking too soon, conveniently forgetting that all year I was the one who told them that they were not out of the race and my money was on them taking over 1st before all was said and done (check back in the history of this site for proof).

They also conveniently forget that there are still 10 days left in the season. Sure they may win the division. It still wont change the way I feel, but I vowed to be optimistic about the outlook of our season from here on out, so here are 10 reasons that the sox will still win the division. No they do not include Coma putting Timlin in against lefties during the 8th inning with the game on the line.

10 Reasons The Red Sox Will Still Win The Division

10. Our Running
Last year it came down to a steal - Dave Roberts was safe - this year... Alex Cora and Stern... Safe.

9. Our Defense
Okay - Renteria isn't a bright light... but Manny, Cora, Mueller, Olerud? Common... I trust these guys!

8. Our Schedule
The remaining games are against teams we CAN beat - and many of them are at home. The last series is our own mini ALCS with home-field advantage against those lousy MFYs.

7. Our Pitching
Okay SCARY for most of us who've been watching - but over the past few weeks there have been a few lights at the end of the tunnel. Arroyo has been clutch, Schilling has been looking better, and Hansen and Manny look good. The key really isn't the pitching - its management of the pitching *cough* Coma *cough*.

6. Our Chemistry
We have more chemistry than a 1,2-dimethylcyclohexane. The intangibles are there - even with the rookies... Even if it was a drag for some of them at first. Yet, here they are now... Top players on our team.

5. Our Hitting
Manny and Papi are HOT. I mean Papi is INSANE... 3 hrs in 3 abs??? Manny is finally Manny again. Not to mention that... the other guys are contributing... our problem with hitting? Too many LOB -- changing our name to the Bahstahn LOBstahs again apparently.

4. Big Papi
Common, do I NEED to explain this one? The guy is a machine... I say MVP. That's Most Valuable Papi.

3. The Fans
Yup us - we will love this team and follow them. That means something to the team. In the toughest moments we'll help and push them over the top. Even if it means turning off the game, staying home, or not talking because we think we are bad luck.

2. Our Desire
We want it. This shit means something to us. We WANT it. And will die trying.

1. Our Ability to Lie and Ignore Reality
That's right, I give in - this is all real BS. But you know what - this BS is my hope - I can't help that. Its possible... it really is... okay it is impossible too... This last stretch is kind of like running 2 miles up the Grand Canyon with only a half of a bottle of water left. Its crazy but exciting. In the end you'll glad you made the journey no matter what if you survive. You might have heat exhaustion and pass out ... but the good news is, on the way up you'll run into someone who has water but the question is: will you ask for it?

How about that for philosophical?


At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i want a pet cow


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