Friday, September 09, 2005

Okay y'all here we are - September 9th. I'm settled in and ready for action, one last late season push to hold true to the AL East lead. ESPN commentary stated that the last time a team blew a 4 game lead this late in the season was the Angels in '95 - we seem to like to break records making fans suffer but lets hold this isnt the case.

This is the year of the East championship - it has to be. Its the year we ACTUALLY hold off those MFYs (don't make me clarify what that means... let's leave it at m = mother and y = yankees... use your imagination for f... I'll give you a hint... it doesn't mean friendly.). This is the year we experience the promised land of division championships, and once again the post season rush.

With 25 some odd days left we still face the MFY's 6 times... 3 times starting tonight in NY and 3 more in fenway to complete our season.

Its been heck of a year with Schilling and Foulke and who would have guesssed Embree and bellhorn would be yanks? or that arroyo would have more wins than curt? or that timlin would be closing? that wake would be our ace? or who would believe that big papi would continue his walk off heroics???? OK - so some things arent that weird!!! but wow - what a year it has been! and what a month it will be.

I've followed every game this year and im not missing one from here on out - nor will i fail to report more frequently.

Thoughts on this weekend:

  • if we put the yanks away or win 2 the year is ours
  • it would be beautiful to get to aaron small...
  • the hunt for a red sox october is here!
  • and of course as always



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