Just Maybe

Sure we came back on Oakland in 2003 and of course the Yankees in 2004. But how many times can you honestly do that?
Besides, losing is a part of winning.
Its possible. But I'm not sure if this is THE year. Yet, still, right now they are seem as the team to beat, even though they really aren't. The craziness lies in that people really do seem to treat the Sox like many treat the Yankees.
I, myself, am often criticized for my "anti-Yankeeism. But people don't see the whole picture. Ask Ruth, Maggie, Dora, Colleen, or any other Yankee fan I've had an intelligent conversation with. I like anyone enjoy looking back on the good old days with Joe D, Maris, Mantle, ect. 50 years ago things were so different. I've studied NYY - Bos history. I've read the books. I've seen the games. I know it "goes back to 1903" with the come-backer and Winters... but I'm sorry, the current rivalry is so very different. How can you look back 40 years ago at baseball and not have a glimmer in your eye?
To be honest, I hate the arrogance, cockiness, and attitude currently around in the Bigs that the teams like the Yankees seem to personify. I am not saying every Yank is like this, or that some Sox aren't... I'm not making team distinctions. I am talking to you about the game because hate to tell you (especially you MFY's) baseball is so much more than striving for a World Series.

Baseball is so much more. It is love. It is life. Certain players and certain fans taint the game.
Baseball is about Fenway in April, July, and December and the power it has over you.
...This is my most special place in all the world, . Once a place touches you like this, the wind never blows so cold again. You feel for it, like it was your child...
Baseball is in its purest nothing short of beautiful. Its the sounds, the smells...
...Did you ever hold a ball or a glove to your face?...
Baseball can make us great.
It has been said that there's always next year...
and the year after, and after and after... This attitude became that of Sox fans for 86 years. But then last year we became unsure of what to say. Truth is, we should have said, hey there's always next year. Because that is the beauty of baseball; the next year. The next game. The next out. The next run. The next swing. The next pitch. Baseball is an eternal promise. Baseball is an eternal struggle. Baseball can make us great.
Baseball can be a reality in a pure sense. Scary to some. Obsessive to others. But honestly, if you think about it, its not. I am not taking this too far. Baseball in its purest is beauty, love, passion, and life. If baseball was everyone's constructed reality what a world it would be.

Baseball is Beautiful.
Baseball is Love.
Baseball is Passion.
Baseball is Life.
brilliant as usual
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