Friday, December 23, 2005

Bad News Randy...

Randy Johnson,

I have some bad news; as of today you will have to allow Posada to catch for you. We all know you whined, complained, and bitched like a teenage girl going through PMS until Torre let Flaherty catch for you. Hey, maybe you were right - your numbers did improve with him catching. However, next year you'll have to suffer because today your arch rivals, The Boston Red Sox, signed Flaherty to a $650,000 contract for one year. I really don't care if the Sox use him or not because you'll have a miserable season now. Ahh is it not ironic that we just apparently want to swap teams Randy? But I guess in the end - we'll just be tied like last year if the we succeed.

Randy, will you do me a favor and ask Cashman what he was thinking signing Bernie to a 1.5 Million dollar deal when he just blew 52 Million on Johnny Damon for CF? Why waste the money? OHHH yeah thats right - because you all have money coming out of cracks that I don't know exist.

Maybe you should have suggested that the 1.5 Million was spent on Flarhety if your numbers would have been worth what they pay you.

Have a woooooonnnnnnderful Christmas (not!),


PS - is it nice to have another guy who looks like shit when forced to cut his hair on the same team?


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