Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Does anyone else feel like this off season is just flat out BORING?

I mean there's no Schilling chase like that one Thanksgiving.
No A-Rod trade scandal (where's YOUR ring A-dog).
No Manny controversy - wait.... I guess some things never change - but hey 3 years in a row, it is getting a bit old bro. At least think of something new to do to get attention.

Sure Damon may or may not come back - but truth is - I don't really care - do you? I mean there are plenty of centerfielders in the game and hell if we got rid of the rest of the team that played decently (Cabby, Mueller, Graffy, Petey....) why not him too???

Roger Clemens? Come on people. Talk about it if its happening... not just something you'd LIKE. God. How many times have we heard "the Sox are going after Clemens." Yeah, so is every other freaking team.

Ohhhhhhh Theo left. Big whooop. Who cares? He doesn't know how to play first base or pitch does he? Didn't think so.

So here's the deal:
1.I'm bored to shit with this off season
2. I really don't think we can win next year
3. I don't know if I care at this point
4. I know I will care in 4 months

So #### it Sox - pull it together. I want to see a team in April.


At 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this off season is a little odd... youre right


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