The THEOlogy of Life

"You have to devote yourself to it completely," said Epstein. "You have to believe in every aspect of it. And in the end, after a long period of reflection about myself and the organization, I decided I could no longer put my whole heart and soul into it."
Part of me, err Epstein, feels like a flag flapping in the wind. The only thing that flag has going for itself is its grounded by that pole it clinches to ever so tight. That pole is its lifeline. That pole is sanity and with all its heart that Flag wants to wave proud standing outright, but the wind is bashing against it.
Epstein and I have this in common, we, for the first time, realize we have to fight that wind, doing so might pull us from the pole a bit, it may make others criticize, but we have to follow our heart, our passion. Passion, love, heart, all of these things, are never wasted. Most people go through life going through the motions. A few people fight it and people like that are the ones who make a difference. As the common quote says
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
This is life. This is where passion is never wasted. Where the man with the most can have the least, and the man with the least can have the most. This is where love comes after us. This is where baseball captures us. This is life.
without theo and as a met fan hopefully boston would be with out manny, we sure do open our arms toward him, pedro and manny, together again, sounds nice. Why do personel of boston want out so bad?
Happy BIRTHDAY Lowie~:)
The referenced quote "The reasonable man..." is from George Bernard Shaw.
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