Lester - Dissapointing As The Rain

Saturday was Lester's major league debut... and though many were excited about it and saw it as promising - I was not as pleased.
Lester was streaky moving from hyped, intense and aggressive to frightened, passive and apathetic.
He worked too late into counts... went from 0-2 to 3-2 too often and allowed the crowd to influence him a few times. Not what I would expect from a pitcher known for his sturdy head and intense work ethic....
The good news is Manny got 450 and the game was played bringing my travel time for the game to 20 hours, wait time almost 30 days.... well 30 days not to mention over an hour on the T... and 5 hours at Fenway (though they were filled with an exciting Oakland win over NY and lots of conversation with Fans of all sorts....thanks for the Coffee)
Lester - From my Camera