Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Curt Speaks Again

Did Theo Mess Up the Right Mix?
5.3.05: Listen to Curt Schilling on WEEI's Dennis and Callahan:

Gerry Callahan: "Last year in the second half we talked about the intangibles, the certain something this team had, and the players played into that, you heard it all the time that this team just had something going on, does it feel at all like that's gone now, that you got to create a new (environment) if you want to have the kind of season you had last year, that those intangibles cannot carry over from one season to the next?"

Curt Schilling: "Oh they can, they're different. There's a lot of things that are different about this team off the field as much as on. I mean you look at everything that happened after we won last year and all the agendas for different people that happened and... it's different. The attitude outside the clubhouse is different. I think this was the first team I've ever played on, and I've always believed, everybody talks about chemistry and a lot of people that don't play the sport, or don't compete like this for a living, they call chemistry a bunch of crap. And the fact of the matter is before last year I've always said chemistry comes about from winning. You don't have good chemistry from not winning because people don't like each other when they're not winning and things happen in the clubhouse when you're not winning and when we were playing that .500 streak last year our chemistry never changed, never changed. We were the same group of guys, same attitude, same demeanor, same everything. And once it started picking up it was funner (sic) because we were winning but the chemistry never changed."

GC: "You didn't lose anybody to whom you would attibute that, like you lost Pedro obviously and I guess you lost some of the smaller role guys like Dave Roberts but the key guys are back..."

CS: "Yeah, but you know what there's come chemistry guys that aren't here. (GC: Like who?) Gabe Kapler. David McCarty. Both those guys were an enormous part of this team's relief valve. Very, very big parts. And I think Mac is probably as big a part of this clubhouse and this team as anybody on the roster. (GC: So was it a mistake to cut him loose?) Oh, I don't...I'm... I'm just saying it's different. It's just very different and this clubhouse you've gotta have some guys that can alleviate the, I say this word loosely, the stress, in this game. People want to call it a game, and you play a game for a living, but it's a job. Don't kid yourself. It pays well? Sure. But there are the same day-to-day stresses coming in and out and maybe even more so in this market and having guys like McCarty and Kapler and Dave Roberts in the clubhouse... D-Lowe, I mean just real guys that kept it real free and easy."

- Found on BostonDirtDogs.com


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