This One’s For the “Yankee Fans”
By: Lowie
GRANTHAM, PA -- As I scanned over my usual pro-Boston and anti-Yankee sites for my daily reading that annoying Yankee fan from down the hall – the one who is apparently oblivious to the fact the Yankees haven’t won in five years but insists on calling them World Champions, not to mention doesn’t know anything besides “OMG Derek Jeter is sooooo great” and “we have the most championships” – yes, you know the one I’m talking about, popped her head in only to say the typical. “Go New York – Boston sucks!” - yet again oblivious to the fact that Baltimore swept New York while Boston swept Tampa Bay. Meanwhile, in order to continue to be the intrusive fan, she asked what I was doing and than complained about my “anti-Yankee feelings” (hard not to have with fans like her around).
But Yankees fans are always ranting and complaining about the anti-Yankees feelings coming from Boston, Oakland, and Baltimore, not to mention the rest of the world. Yankees fans insist that their life is more meaningful and that we are “pathetic” for wasting our time making up anti-Yankees jokes and websites. However, I can’t help but notice that the Yankee fans know every punch line, every article, and every website. This causes me to wonder what is really more pathetic: Writing about your rival team sucking or spending time reading how much everyone hates you and your team?
It may be a bit risky but I’m going with the second option. What are you Yankees fans really thinking? Why waste your day fighting with people who obviously aren’t going to agree with you never mind change their minds?! Next time Derek Jeter denies you an autograph are you going to try to persuade him that you deserve your over-priced, worthless piece of memorabilia should be signed because you stuck up for him on I highly doubt he cares and that this would change his mind, but if it does, there is a deeper problem. Grow up and get back to doing what you always preach about doing and support your own team in a positive manner. If Yankees fans can’t do this I suggest George Steinbrenner stoop to a new low and add fans to his 205 million dollar payroll, which really seems to be paying off so far this year.
Hey, thanks for generalizing.
Strangely enough, most of the arguments we get into is me trying to defend my right to even BE a yankee fan and you saying i somehow shouldn't be cuz they get paid a lot.
Yeah and i don't know why you said Jeter would deny an autograph, maybe he has some history of that i'm not aware of, but last night in the Tampa Bay game he gave his batting gloves to a five-year-old kid just becuase. It couldn't even have been a publicity stunt; the kid's dad had a Blue Jays hat on.
Please please please don't base us all on that idiot on your floor, or i'll be forced to view you in the same light as the loser bandwagon Sox fans here.
Should it not be Yankee's fans? :) Love Mom
Are you going to do an article on the our new Pope?
Yankee's fans would be for when the team has to pay people to watch -- it is possessive
And Pat you know I do not feel all Yankees fans are like this - I'm merely suggesting that the TRUE fans take a better role in the Yankees and that those idiots get what they deserve.
Red Sox bandwagoning is one of the most upsetting things ever, I dislike it beyond anything. It makes us like every other team and we are not like every other team. I enjoy our distinctions and individual characteristics. Perhaps my next article should be on this very topic.
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