Saturday, August 05, 2006

Time for A Little Arrogance

That is right. You can all say it: Lowie, you were right.
Again please? Lowie - you were right. Ahhhh, music to my ears.

Again? Ok - I wont push my luck. Here we are in dire need Josh Bard for a month, but instead - what do we do?
Go out and get a catcher.... why? Because Doug Mirabelli is not the guy we need to chase down the Yankees. But, no
we get someone named Javy Lopez from the O's, someone who's TERRIBLE defensively, though that being said, Beckett hasn't
done too well with Vtek catching... at least Lopez gives us some pop though he doesn't help us where we need the most...

OK - I am rambling - but at this point why not ramble?

We're on the fall, Yankees on the climb. We did nothing at the deadline besides dream about the future (which I love to do in my BRAIN). We lost our right fielder. We lost our catcher. Oh yeah, our third baseman too. Beckett is struggling. Schilling is wearing down. Lester has lost his luster. Wake's arm is asleep.
And Timlin is reminding me of Foulke from time to time.

Speaking of Foulke - on his way to a return? Up with the PawSox? God help us all!

All I have to say is you know somethings going on when the two best pitching performances this week were not from Beckett, Schilling, Wakefield, or Wells...
but, rather, from Snyder and Hansen. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?

In good news, we still won a handful - including two ninth inning walk offs, totalling 7 walk off victories for the year - 5 at the bat of Ortiz and 2 from the scrappy dirt dog Marky Mick Mark Mark Loretta.


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