Ties are Impossible and they Certianly Don't go to the Runner

What I am claiming is - there is no such thing as the throw and the runner "tying." Pretty much one HAS TO BEAT the other. Ahh, well if its close - the "tie" goes to the runner. Right? WRONG.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Thats right folks, all my reading has led me to another beautiful discovery. The tie does NOT go to the runner.
In fact Major League crew chief Tim McClelland, a 20 year umpiring veteran, hailed as the best ball and strike man in baseball by many (yes even me) spoke to this.
"There are no ties and there is no rule that says the tie goes to the runner. But the rule book does say that the runner must beat the ball to first base, and so if he doesn't beat the ball, then he is out. So you have to make the decision. That's why umpires are paid the money they are, to make the decision on if he did or if he didn't. The only thing you can do is go by whether or not he beat the ball. If he did, then he is safe."
Official rule book: section 6.05 A batter is out when (j) After a third strike or after he hits a fair ball, he or first base is tagged before he touches first base.
So there you go girls and boys - some new information for you - supported boy Tim McClelland, Major League Baseball, Theology of Sox, and Lowie. Anyone else care to support?
*Go Rec Softball team SaNdLoT!!!*
and how is this info helping you with upcoming finals?
Clearly it is increasing my brain capacity as it learning exercises your brain! Thus it will keep me strong for finals.
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